In this category you can find all of our wonderful and powerful kits that will boost you're progress in our server
Access to Cosmos Sword + armour (1 time)
Access to FULL Cosmos kit (1 time)
Access to Cosmos + Sword + armour with max custem enchants
(1 time)
Access to FULL Cosmos deluxe+ kit (1 time)max custem enchants
Access to Spiderman sword + armour each item contains 1 insurence already (1 time claimable)
Access to full Spiderman Crate each item contain 1 insurence already (1 time claimable)
Access to spiderman sword + armour , max custom enchants each item contain 1 insurence already (1 time claimable)
Access to Spiderman crate , each item contain max custom enchant , each item contain 1 insurence already given (1 time claimable)
Access to FULL thanos kit (1 time)